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PHP function

PHP function

In PHP, a function is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. Functions help to orga...

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How to hide some input field in Django admin panel

How to hide some input field in Django admin panel?

To hide an input field in the Django admin panel, you can customize the admin interface by overriding the default form for the model in question. Here's how you can do it: Create or locate the admin.py file in your Django app (if it doesn't exist, create one). Import the necessary mo...

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How To Put Laravel Applications In Maintenance Mode?

How To Put Laravel Applications In Maintenance Mode?

Maintenance mode is used to put a maintenance page to customers and under the hood, we can do software updates, bug fixes, etc. Laravel applications can be put into maintenance mode using the below command: php artisan down And can put the application again on live using the below comman...

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