How to Use PHP's Built-in Server?

If you’re a PHP developer, you might have faced scenarios where you need to quickly test your code without setting up a full-fledged web server like Apache or Nginx. Fortunately, PHP comes with a built-in server that allows you to run a local development environment with minimal effort.

What is the PHP Built-in Server?

The PHP built-in server is a lightweight, command-line web server that’s designed for local development. It eliminates the need for an external web server for basic testing and is ideal for quickly serving PHP files on your local machine.

Command Breakdown: php -S -t public_html

This command starts the PHP built-in server with a specific IP address, port, and document root. Let's break down what each part does:

  • php -S: This is the command to start the PHP built-in server.
  • This specifies the IP address ( or localhost) and the port (8000) on which the server will listen.
  • -t public_html: This option sets the document root to the public_html directory.

Steps to Run the Server

php -S -t public_html
  1. Open a Terminal/Command Prompt: Navigate to the directory containing your PHP project.
  2. Ensure public_html Exists: Create the public_html directory if it doesn’t exist.
  3. Run the Command: Execute the following command in your terminal:
  4. Access Your Site: Open a web browser and navigate to

Example Scenario

Suppose you have a PHP application with the following structure:


Running the command will serve the index.php file when you visit

Benefits of Using PHP's Built-in Server

  • No Configuration Required: No need to configure Apache or Nginx.
  • Quick Testing: Ideal for quickly testing PHP scripts or small projects.
  • Portability: Available on any system where PHP is installed.


  • Not for Production: The built-in server is designed for development only.
  • Single Threaded: Handles one request at a time, not suitable for handling concurrent traffic.
  • Limited Features: No support for advanced features like SSL or URL rewriting.


The PHP built-in server is a handy tool for PHP developers who need a quick and easy way to test their applications. By using the php -S -t public_html command, you can launch a local development environment without the overhead of setting up a full web server. However, remember that this server is meant for development only and should not be used in production.

Give it a try the next time you need to test your PHP code, and enjoy the simplicity it offers!


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