Top PHP Beginner Interview Questions

Sure, here are 50 PHP beginner interview questions:

  1. What is PHP?
  2. What does PHP stand for?
  3. What is the difference between PHP and HTML?
  4. What is a PHP file called?
  5. How do you start a PHP block of code?
  6. What is a variable in PHP?
  7. What is the difference between echo and print statements?
  8. How do you create a function in PHP?
  9. How do you call a function in PHP?
  10. What is a conditional statement in PHP?
  11. How do you write an if statement in PHP?
  12. What is a loop in PHP?
  13. How do you write a for loop in PHP?
  14. How do you write a while loop in PHP?
  15. What is an array in PHP?
  16. How do you create an array in PHP?
  17. How do you access an array element in PHP?
  18. What is a multidimensional array in PHP?
  19. How do you sort an array in PHP?
  20. How do you merge two arrays in PHP?
  21. What is a constant in PHP?
  22. How do you define a constant in PHP?
  23. What is a superglobal in PHP?
  24. What is the difference between GET and POST?
  25. How do you retrieve data from a form using GET?
  26. How do you retrieve data from a form using POST?
  27. What is the difference between include and require statements?
  28. What is a class in PHP?
  29. How do you create a class in PHP?
  30. What is an object in PHP?
  31. How do you create an object in PHP?
  32. What is inheritance in PHP?
  33. How do you implement inheritance in PHP?
  34. What is a constructor in PHP?
  35. How do you define a constructor in PHP?
  36. What is a destructor in PHP?
  37. How do you define a destructor in PHP?
  38. What is a static method in PHP?
  39. How do you define a static method in PHP?
  40. What is an interface in PHP?
  41. How do you create an interface in PHP?
  42. What is a namespace in PHP?
  43. How do you define a namespace in PHP?
  44. What is an exception in PHP?
  45. How do you handle exceptions in PHP?
  46. What is a cookie in PHP?
  47. How do you set a cookie in PHP?
  48. What is a session in PHP?
  49. How do you start a session in PHP?
  50. What is a file in PHP?

These questions should give you a good understanding of the basic concepts in PHP. Good luck with your interview!


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