How to change ssh access password in centos7?

To change the SSH access password on a CentOS 7 Linux system, you can follow these steps. Keep in mind that it's generally recommended to use SSH key authentication instead of password authentication for enhanced security. However, if you still need to change the password, here's how to do it:

Log In: Log in to your CentOS 7 server using an existing SSH session or by physically accessing the server.

Open a Terminal: You can access the terminal by using an SSH client like PuTTY (if you're connecting remotely) or by opening a terminal window if you're physically present at the server.

Change the Password: To change the password for your current user, use the passwd command followed by your username:

passwd your_username

Replace your_username with your actual username.

Follow the Prompts: You will be prompted to enter your current password (if changing your own password) and then to enter the new password twice for confirmation. Make sure to choose a strong, secure password.

Password Updated: If you followed the prompts correctly, you should see a message confirming that the password has been updated successfully.

Restart SSH Service: You may need to restart the SSH service to apply the changes. Use the following command to restart the SSH service:

sudo systemctl restart sshd

This command will restart the SSH server, and your new password will take effect immediately.

Please note that changing passwords on a server can have security implications, so make sure you're following best practices for password management. Additionally, consider using SSH key authentication for improved security and convenience, as it eliminates the need for password-based authentication.


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